The latest edition of the WWF RAW Magazine is now on sale. Debra graces the cover and has an extensive pictorial inside as well. Go pick it up!
I've been trying to think of ways to improve this site lately and I'd like some user feedback since I don't get a lot. I'm interested in starting a Debra discussion list where people can just chat about Debra or wrestling in general, but would there be any interest in it? Would people actually sign up for it and ... discuss stuff? Would you prefer a message board, chat room, or something entirely different? Either e-mail me or sign the guestbook with any thoughts, suggestions or comments you have.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 07, 2000 · Miscellaneous Junk
From ScoopsWrestling: Definitely a strong future for the women's division. Keep Debra in charge, keep training women like Lisa Marie Varon down in Memphis, keep Lita active even when she doesn't have a match of her own, and keep the roles defined! That was a real problem not too long ago. It was like everyone was more or less the heel except the champ, and in other cases you didn't know who to cheer for, or just didn't care. By having firm alignments (Lita & Hardys, Ivory & RTC, Mona & Holly) you've got the foundation for something good!
Know Your News: In a radio interview yesterday, Lita said she thinks having Debra as the new Lt. Commissioner is a fresh angle. Said she's glad to have an authority figure representing women's perspective.
The King also mentioned her on Sunday Night Heat, saying he'd almost had to have the smile surgically removed from his face when she returned.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 06, 2000 · House Show in Lubbock, TX
Match No. 4 - Crash vs Steven Richards:
Before the match, the ring announcer said there was a special ring announcer for this was none other than the Lt. Commissioner, Debra!!!!! Steven came out to a chorus of boos. He said that Debra needed to cover herself up and that she wasnt a movie [?]. Debra said that she is, just look at her puppies. The crowd cheered as Crash's music played - Elroy...Errr..Crash did a flying bodypress but Steven reversed it and got the win.
Biggest Pops:
1. Steve Austin
2. Chris Jericho
3. Raven
4. The Hardy Boyz
5. A Tie - Chyna, Debra, Billy G. and Earl Hebner (LOL)
Thanks to Lords Of Pain, I neatened it up a bit
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 03, 2000 · Austin vs. Austin?
According to a rumour from PWI Wrestling, it's said that with Debra's new role as Commissioner, she and husband Steve may have an angle somewhere down the road. You can click here to read the full post.
Debra was also mentioned in today's Ross Report:
I thought Debra's performance as the new Lt. Commissioner was very entertaining. Her work on Thursday's SmackDown! show was very good for her first effort considering that she's been virtually dormant as far as television is concerned for the past several months. She's a very talented individual who perhaps has been underutilized at times. I think when we talk about under-utilization, we could look at many of our females on our talent roster and see that several of them have been underutilized, at least in my personal opinion. I would like to think that these females are going to become more involved, as well as other females, in our storylines and in our shows on Mondays and Thursdays, notwithstanding our PPVs as well. The Federation is an excellent place for females to receive an opportunity to receive a bigger part of a television program than simply being somebody's valet who doesn't speak but looks good. Hopefully we could break those molds and expand those roles to where the females are going to have a viable part - even more so - in our storylines in the future.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 02, 2000 · Cookin' With Heat
First, from ScoopsWrestling:
Speaking of not being too sure, I wasn't sure how to take the whole Debra as Lt. Commissioner thing. It's no secret that the fed was unsure of what to do with Mrs. Rattelesnake now that she's back. The only real option was to pair her with her husband, and Stone Cold has been clear that Ted DiBiase was the first and last manager he'd have with the WWF. So Debra's by Mick Foley's side. Apparently she has a lot to do with putting together the women's 4-way title match for SMACKDOWN, which could be a big boost to the division. Having a full time figurehead to guide things. Hopefully it pans out for all parties involved.
Debra received 19% of votes in Scoops' "Who Should The RTC Censor Next?" poll. I can't remember who won.
Debra's Merlot Sorbet
Debra loves a nice glass of Merlot every now and then, and this adult recipe from the blond beauty is magnificent.
3 cups water
1½ cups sugar
1¼ cups Merlot
1. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan and heat to simmer. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in wine and set mixture aside to cool to room temperature. Rerefrigerate, loosely covered, until mixture is chilled, about 2 to 3 hours.
2. Freeze in an ice-cream maker according to manufacturer's directions. If you don't have an ice-cream maker, put mixture in shallow pan and place in freezer for 4 to 5 hours, stirring every hour until smooth. When slush-like, transfer to a serving bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Can be served with seasonal fruit.
Makes 5 cups.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 · Guts, Testicles and Courage
Last night Mick "The Commish" Foley announced that he'd hired a new Lieutenant Commisioner...namely Debra. Although she didn't get the chance to say anything, the crowd (and the King) seemed glad to have her back, and it'll be interesting to see where this goes. [Also see the RAW Review]
And because they're semi-Debra related:
· Steve Austin beat Rikishi in a Steel Cage Match last night.· The Kat, now calling herself "Chynette", has teamed with Eddie Guerrero--who took on Chyna for the IC Belt last night, and defeated her after interference from Steven Richards.